Jason Magnus is a slack line master, balanced west of Tucson, Arizona for the Wall Street Journal Weekend

Jason Magnus and Dieke warm up for slackline with yoga, at Gates Pass, Tucson, Arizona

Southern California Innocence in 1980 at La Jolla Beach (shot for the show Pacific Summer)

Hang gliding at Fort Funston, San Francisco, California (shot for the show Pacific Summer)

Master musician Antonio 'Toze' Jose plays 12-string guitar during a performance of Fado music, in Coimbra, Portugal

A farm boy does his homework, Sichuan Province, China 1991

Jeff Matlzman shoots sunrise on Hunts Mesa, Monument Valley, Arizona

SF Giants pitcher Jeff Samardzija pitches at Chase Field, Phoenix, AZ

Halloween night in the Castro District, San Francisco, California 1985

Halloween night in the Castro District, San Francisco, California 1985

Nikon and Reagan, Halloween in North Beach, San Francisco, California 1986

James Dean lives forever...on Route 66 in Seligman, Arizona